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发布日期:2015-03-13    作者:植物科学技术学院     来源:     点击:

题目:Evolution of legume root nodule formation

主讲人:荷兰瓦赫宁根大学皇家科学院院士Ton Bisseling




Ton Bisseling简介:

Ton Bisseling是荷兰瓦格宁根大学植物科学技术系主任、教授、荷兰皇家科学院院士,在根系与微生物互作,尤其在根瘤菌共生、菌根真菌共生过程中信号传导方面在国际上享有声誉。其论文发表在《Cell》、《Nature》、《Science》、《Plant Cell》等期刊上。Ton Bisseling同时也是《Science》期刊的编委。


(1)Op den Camp, R., Streng, A., De Mita, S., Cao, Q., Polone, E., Liu, W., Ammiraju, J.S.S., Kudrna, D., Wing, R., Untergasser, A.,Bisseling, T., Geurts, R. (2011)LysM-type mycorrhizal receptor recruited for rhizobium symbiosis in nonlegumeParasponia.Science 331 (6019): 909-912.

(2)Wang, D., Griffitts, J., Starker, C., Fedorova, E., Limpens, E., Ivanov, S.,Bisseling, T., Long, S. (2010)A nodule-specific protein secretory pathway required for nitrogen-fixing symbiosis.Science 327 (5969): 1126-1129.

(3)Bisseling, T.; Dangl, J.L.; Schulze-Lefert, P. (2009)Next-generation communication.Science 324: 691.

(4)Smit, P.; Raedts, J.G.J.; Portyanko, V.; Debellé, F.; Gough, C.;Bisseling, T.; Geurts, R.(2005)NSP1 of the GRAS protein family is essential for Rhizobial Nod factor-induced transcription.Science 308 (5729): 1789 – 1791

(5)Lévy, J.; Bres, C.; Geurts, R.; Chalhoub, B.; Kulikova, O.; Duc, G.; Journet, E.P.; Ané, J.M.; Lauber, E.;Bisseling, T.; Dénarié, J.; Rosenberg, C.; Debellé, F.(2004)A putative Ca2+ and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase required for bacterial and fungal symbioses.Science 303 (5662): 1361 – 1364.

(6)Limpens, E.H.M.; Franken, C.L.; Smit, P.E.J.; Willemse, J.J.;Bisseling, T.; Geurts, R.(2003)

LysM domain receptor kinases regulating rhizobial Nod factor-induced infection.

Science,302 : 630 – 633.

(7)Fransz, P.F.; Amstrong, S.; Jong, J.H.S.G.M. de; Parnell, L.D.; Drunen, C. van; Dean, C.; Zabel, W.J.T.;Bisseling, T.; Jones, G.H. (2000)Integrated cytogenetic map of chromosome arm 4S of A. thaliana : structural organization of heterochromatic knob and centromere region.Cell, 100, 367-376.
